I want to deploy deploy spring-boot application to external tomcat with security manager enabled. The Jndi is configured in tomcat with the name jdbc/abc .The tomcat asks for some permissions when I deploy, which I grant in the catalina.policy of the tomcat. I am presently getting some access denied message as shown below.
org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.jmx.JmxUtil.registerJmx Jmx registration failed.
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("javax.management.MBeanPermission" "org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.PooledConnection#-[tomcat.jdbc:class=org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource,connections=PooledConnection[0],name="jdbc/abc",type=ConnectionPool]" "registerMBean")
I then granted permission as
permission javax.management.MBeanPermission "org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.PooledConnection#-[tomcat.jdbc:class=org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource,connections=PooledConnection[0],name=jdbc/abc ,type=ConnectionPool]", "registerMBean";
then again the message repeats in the server output, I am not sure whether I granted this permission in the right way? Can anyone suggest me where I am doing wrong?
The server configuration for connection pool is as shown below:
<Resource name="jdbc/abc"
url="url to the database"
This should probably be considered a bug in the Tomcat JDBC library: a DataSource
provided by the container should use AccessController.doPriviledged
to perform JMX operations. It also should provide a set of permissions to regulate access from application code to the DataSource
. However since the SecurityManager
will probably be deprecated (cf. JEP 411) I doubt that this bug will ever be resolved.
Since Tomcat JDBC registers lots of JMX beans, I would give to all the org.tomcat.jdbc
classes permission to register any MBean in the tomcat.jdbc
permission javax.management.MBeanPermission "org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.*#-[tomcat.jdbc:*]", "registerMBean";
The MBeanPermission
is granted using the:
permission javax.management.MBeanPermission "class name#member[object name]", "action"
(cf. Javadoc), where:
pattern (cf. Javadoc): in your case all names in the tomcat.jdbc
domain,You can also try more restrictive ObjectName
s, e.g. tomcat.jdbc:name=jdbc/abc,*
to restrict the permission to one datasource only.
Remark: If you don't intend to use JMX to monitor your datasource performance you can also use jmxEnabled="false"
(cf. documentation) and all permission problems will go away.