
how i can create tinyURL with expiration date with node js

I'm generation tinyUrl and sending this via mail as well sms to customer ,i want to generate tinyURL from nodejs code so that if user access this URL after particular date then it should get expire . I can successfully generating tinyurl from bellow code but I want to generate link with expiry date so that Link will expire automatically once user click after particular date.

any way to solve this or is another alternative for this.

const tinyUrl = require('tinyurl')

const generateTinyUrl = function (mainUrl) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    tinyUrl.shorten(mainUrl).then((response) => {
      if (response !== 'error') {"Tiny URL Generated Properly."))
      } else {
        logger.error(util.format("Error while Generating the Tiny URL. Error: %j", response))
    }).catch((error) => {
      logger.error(util.format("Error while Generating the Tiny URL. Error: %j", error))


  • From what I can gather, you're using the tinyurl npm package from which leverages the API from to create shortened urls. This package doesn't support expiring links, which means that once you create a url using their service, it will be forever registered at

    You can, however, use the tinyurl API directly, ignoring the tinyurl npm package. Tinyurl has great documentation at tinyurl .com /app /dev (added spaces because link shorteners are blacklisted on SO) which explains that you can send a PATCH request to the api at /update to change where the link is sent.

    Since I can't see what is calling generateTinyUrl or how the response is used, I'm not sure what the best path forward is for your case. But, as I see it, you have two options.