I'm writing a function that handles an order input file (csv) using a while loops to iterate though it.
Every two lines represents an input. I have the following function that handles this input:
list<Order> orders;
void read_orders(string file_name) {
fstream read_file;
read_file.open(file_name, ios::in);
if (read_file.is_open()) {
string s;
int line_num = 1; // keeps track of line number in input file
int o_id;
string o_date;
int c_id;
vector<LineItem> itms;
while (getline(read_file, s)) {
cout << orders.size(); // shows that only two objects are added before failure
if (line_num % 2 == 1) { // handle odd numbered lines of input
auto data = split(s, ',');
int o_id = stoi(data[0]);
string o_date = data[1];
int c_id = stoi(data[2]);
vector<LineItem> itms;
// get line items
int n_line_items = data.size() - 3;
vector<string> end_data(data.end() - n_line_items, data.end());
for (string x: end_data) {
auto parts = split(x, '-');
LineItem* it = new LineItem(stoi(parts[0]), stoi(parts[1]));
delete it;
} else { // handle even numbered lines of input
auto data = split(s, ',');
Credit* pay_credit = new Credit(0.0, data[1], data[2]); // initialize each type of payment
PayPal* pay_paypal = new PayPal(0.0, data[1]);
WireTransfer* pay_wire = new WireTransfer(0.0, data[1], data[2]);
if (data[0] == "1") {
Order* ordr = new Order(o_id, o_date, c_id, itms, *pay_credit);
delete ordr;
} else if (data[0] == "2") {
Order* orr = new Order(o_id, o_date, c_id, itms, *pay_paypal);
delete orr;
} else if (data[0] == "3") {
Order* odr = new Order(o_id, o_date, c_id, itms, *pay_wire);
delete odr;
delete pay_credit; // trying to clean up memory
delete pay_paypal;
delete pay_wire;
line_num += 1;
Because of my cout statement, I can tell that it only adds two items to the list before running into the std::bad_alloc error. It seems to happen when it switches from adding a Credit
object to adding a PayPal
object into the Order(...)
when it's initialized. I did a lot of research into why this might happen, so I tried to clean up as much as I knew how to (I'm new to C++) but the same error kept popping up. Does the error happen when I'm adding things to the list or is it when I'm creating these new objects?/How could I fix something like that?
Here are my class definitions in case that's important:
class Payment {
double amount;
string print_detail() {
return "hey";
class Credit: public Payment {
string card_number;
string expiration;
Credit(double amt, string cn, string exp) {
this->amount = amt;
this->card_number = cn;
this->expiration = exp;
string print_detail() {
return "Credit card " + this->card_number + ", exp. " + this->expiration;
class PayPal: public Payment {
string paypal_id;
PayPal(double amt, string pp_id) {
this->amount = amt;
this->paypal_id = pp_id;
virtual string print_detail() {
return "Paypal ID: " + this->paypal_id;
class WireTransfer: public Payment {
string bank_id;
string account_id;
WireTransfer(double amt, string b_id, string a_id) {
this->amount = amt;
this->bank_id = b_id;
this->account_id = a_id;
string print_detail() {
return "Wire transfer from Bank ID " + this->bank_id + ", Account# " + this->account_id;
class LineItem {
int item_id;
int qty;
LineItem(int i_id, int qt) {
this->item_id = i_id;
this->qty = qt;
double subtotal() {
double subtot = 0.0;
for (auto x: items) {
if (x.item_id == this->item_id) {
subtot += x.price * this->qty;
return subtot;
class Order {
int order_id;
string order_date;
int cust_id;
vector<LineItem> line_items;
Payment payment;
Order(int o_id, string o_date, int c_id, vector<LineItem> li, Payment pay) {
this->order_id = o_id;
this->order_date = o_date;
this->cust_id = c_id;
this->line_items = li;
this->payment = pay;
string pay_type = "";
double total() {
double result = 0.0;
for (auto li: line_items) {
result += li.subtotal();
return result;
string print_order() {
string text = "===========================\nOrder #";
text += to_string(this->order_id) + ", Date: " + this->order_date + "\nAmount: $";
text += to_string(this->total()) + ", Paid by ";
text += payment.print_detail();
return text;
And this was the error message showing that it did insert two items:
001122terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
Process returned 3 (0x3)
is often thrown when there is not enough memory to be allocated. I can't say if this will solve the problem, but your repeated allocations and deallocations of objects are both unnecessary and harmful (causing memory fragmentation).
Instead of
LineItem* it = new LineItem(stoi(parts[0]), stoi(parts[1]));
delete it;
you should do
itms.push_back(LineItem(stoi(parts[0]), stoi(parts[1]));
itms.emplace_back(stoi(parts[0]), stoi(parts[1]));
The same applies to every occurence of new
in read_orders
. You don't need any of them.
Another helpful thing you can do is to preallocate memory for std::vector
. If you don't know how many items it will have, do an educated guess (100, 1000, 10000, etc.).
itms.reserve(1000); //before you start to push_back() to it
Also, make sure to std::move
your vectors if you want to transfer the whole content of it and not make a copy.