
papaja: Changing font sizes and faces for code listings and R output

Based on the answer to this question, I was able to get 2-column papaja with listings wrapping (rather than overflowing column width). But the listings package turns off various features that help code listings and R output stand out relative to the main text.

A simple solution would be if I could globally change the font faces and/or sizes selectively for code and R output. Is there a way to do that in papaja? I haven't been able to figure this out from papaja or Rmarkdown documentation. Thank you!


  • When you use the listings package in a papaja (or bookdown) document, what is technically happening is that all code is wrapped into an lstlisting LaTeX environment that comes with its own capabilities of customizing code appearance. Hence, you don't see the syntax highlighting that you would otherwise see if you would not use the listings package. The documentation of the listings package with instructions how to style your code can be found here.

    To make use of this, you can extend the YAML header of your papaja document like this:

    documentclass     : "apa6"
    classoption       : "jou"
    output            :
        pandoc_args: --listings
      - \lstset{breaklines=true,language=R,basicstyle=\tiny\ttfamily,frame=trB,commentstyle=\color{darkgray}\textit}

    Here, I first specify the code's language, and use a tiny monospace font. With frame, I add a frame around the code block, and with commentstyle I set comments in italic and gray.