
Change the order of properties rendered in Wikibase

Within Wikidata the properties P31 (instance of) and P279 (subclass of) - when stated - are always the first statements in the set of statements of a wikidata item.

On a random wikibase install, the properties simply follow the order in which they are created. I would like to know how I can configure a wikibase to replicate the behaviour from Wikidata where a custom property order can be defined


  • The order of the statements in a given Wikibase installation is determined by the list in the page MediaWiki:Wikibase-SortedProperties. The Wikidata own file is located at

    The instructions on how to enable the option in the configuration file are on this page

    You can also refer to the Phabricator task for further technical details.

    By the way, this sorting also affect the output of the mw.wikibase.getPropertyOrder LUA function as described here