I am new to topics related to encoding and I am having troubles with being able to convert my scryptsync key into something createCipheriv (Crypto library integrated into Nodejs) can use in the iv parameter.
const algorithm = 'aes-256-gcm';
var text = 'default'
var encrypted = secret;
class Auth
var pair = ec.genKeyPair();
text = pair.getPrivate.toString('hex');
var key = crypto.scryptSync(pass, 'baethrowssalt', 32);
console.log(`The key is:${key}`); //this is not a string
var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, key);
var encrypted = cipher.update(text, 'hex', 'hex') + cipher.final('hex');
fs.writeFileSync(file, encrypted);
return alert(`Close and reopen your app to integrate your wallet securely`);
as you can see above, I tried converting the scryptSync return to string hex so that createCipheriv is willing to use it, but I get the following error:
pass is passrig
The key is:�→A�r;yR�����▲�h�8��f�����v�A�,
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "iv" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView. Received undefined
at Cipheriv.createCipherWithIV (internal/crypto/cipher.js:120:29)
at new Cipheriv (internal/crypto/cipher.js:227:22)
at Object.createCipheriv (crypto.js:117:10)
So my question contains two parts: how can I use scryptSync with the createCipheriv? To help me understand, what are the reasons behind your solutions?
I've created an example that encrypts some data using the algorithm aes-256-gcm
and uses crypto.scryptSync to derive the key from a password.
The steps are as follows:
from our password using crypto.scryptSync.This code is as follows:
const crypto = require("crypto");
const Algorithm = "aes-256-gcm";
function encrypt(plainText, key, iv) {
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(Algorithm, key, iv);
return { encrypted: Buffer.concat([cipher.update(plainText), cipher.final()]), authTag: cipher.getAuthTag() }
function decrypt(encrypted, key, iv, authTag) {
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(Algorithm, key, iv).setAuthTag(authTag);
return Buffer.concat([decipher.update(encrypted), decipher.final()]);
const password = "Speak Friend and Enter";
const plainText = "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.";
const salt = crypto.randomBytes(32);
// Create an encryption key from our password, ensuring it is 32 bytes long - AES-256 needs a 256 bit (32 byte) key
const KEY = crypto.scryptSync(password, salt, 32);
const IV = crypto.randomBytes(16);
console.log("Key (derived from password, hex):", KEY.toString("hex"));
console.log("IV (hex):", IV.toString("hex"));
console.log("Plaintext:", plainText);
const { encrypted, authTag } = encrypt(plainText, KEY, IV);
console.log("Encrypted (hex):", encrypted.toString("hex"));
const decrypted = decrypt(encrypted, KEY, IV, authTag)
console.log("Decrypted:", decrypted.toString("utf-8"));