
How to use .env in Flutter web?

Short story:

I am trying to use .env file in my Flutter Web project.

I used flutter_dotenv before in Flutter mobile app but it is not working in Flutter web.

How can we use .env file in Flutter web?

Long Story:

For now, I am using dart file to save current constant values such as backend url.

Backend is in same domain like this => https://domain_for_webapp.com/api/

class Environment {

  // API URL
  static const String API_URL ='https://domain_for_webapp.com/api/';

But problem here is I have one more server to deploy same site https://another_domain_for_webapp.com/api/ So I tried to solve that by using relative url

class Environment {

  // API URL
  static const String API_URL ='/api/';

But Flutter web can't find correct full API url for each server.

To solve this I have been trying to use .env like in normal web app.

But I can't use .env in Flutter web.

Is there any proper solution for this problem?


  • Like mentioned here, you can rename your .env file to something that doesn't start with a dot. I've changed my .env file to "dotenv".