I need to build the same app to different applicationIds so that I can publish it on the Play Store / App Store as private applications for some of the customers of my company.
I decided to use react-native-config
, as it should allow me to change applicationId
and some env
variables easily.
I have created some .env.${variant}
files, that is, in the following examples, .env.customer1
I have set the needed buildTypes
as follows:
buildTypes {
debug {
customer1 {
initWith debug
applicationIdSuffix "customer1"
I forced react.gradle not to bundle when building with these variants
project.ext.react [
bundleInCustomer1: false,
devDisabledInCustomer1: false
Then I use this command line to run on my physical device
copy .env.customer .env && react-native run-android --variant=customer1 --appIdSuffix 'customer1'
The result is that the app is built and launched on my device, but what I see is an old version of the app (probably the last one that I have built using assembleRelease, some weeks ago), metro getting launched but telling me this when I try to force a reload, otherwise telling me nothing
warn No apps connected. Sending "reload" ...
I tried without any success
gradlew clean
npm start --cache-reload
npm cache clean --forced
npm i
Building the app without any variant (thus using default debug) correctly works.
Thanks to this answer, I've succeeded in solving my issue.
Instead of using buildTypes
now I'm using flavors
android {
flavorDimensions "standard"
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.stackoverflow"
productFlavors {
customer1 {
applicationId "com.stackoverflow.customer1"
dimension "standard"
and launching via
react-native run-android --variant=customer1Debug --appIdSuffix 'customer1'