
How to change border in Ngb-Datepicker navigation arrows

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Hi, I want to eliminate the blue border that is displayed after clicking the button, I have already try to target it with

  .ngb-dp-arrow > button:active {
   border: none !important;

But nothing seems to work, I already change the color of chevron with that approach so I'm placing my css in the correct place (component itself)

Link to reproduce:


  • You should be able to use the following CSS to remove the borders:

    ::ng-deep .ngb-dp-arrow-btn:focus {
      outline: 0 !important; // remove the darker blue border
      box-shadow: none !important; // remove the light blue border

    There are 2 borders that appear with the :focus pseudo selector:

    Please see this Stackblitz for a working demo.