Hi guys I am having trouble sending an invoice due to
this error.
Here's my code of sending
var url3 = "https://api.stripe.com/v1/invoices";
var params3 = {
method: "post",
headers: {Authorization: "Basic " + Utilities.base64Encode("sk_test_XXXXX:")},
customer: responseValue.id,
collection_method : "send_invoice",
var res3 = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url3, params3);
the due_date is the problem because I can't give its format . The documentation didn't provide any of that or I am just dumb that I can't understand it.
I tried
due_date:"01/01/2022" // tried different formats
What I am trying to do is that I am trying to send the invoice base on the email address provided on the invoice.
Please enlighten me . Thank you.
var timeStamp = (new Date('2022-01-01').getTime())/1000;
due_date = timeStamp
still the same error
Solved it . What I did was
var timeStamp = (new Date('2021-08-10').getTime())/1000;
due_date: ""+timeStamp+""
Thanks everyone.