
Alternating color rows in PHP loop

How can I have an alternating color rows in my php loop?

$num = mysql_num_rows($qPhysician);


while($i < $num)


    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td>" . mysql_result($qPhysician,$i,"lastName") . "</td>";
    echo "<td>" . mysql_result($qPhysician,$i,"firstName") . "</td>";
    echo "</tr>";



I have to omit the "<" and ">" for both "tr" and "td" because it wasn't allowed in this question. :)



  • What do you mean? Are you saying you want to echo it in a table that alternates rows?

    $num = mysql_num_rows($qPhysician);
    echo "<table>"
    while($i < $num)
    if ($i % 2 == 0){
    echo "<tr class='style1'>";
    echo "<tr class='style2'>";
    echo "<td>" . mysql_result($qPhysician,$i,"lastName") . "</td>";
    echo "<td>" . mysql_result($qPhysician,$i,"firstName") . "</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";