How to convert DapperRow with multiple objects into a usable Dictionary?

For reference I'm using the Serenity application template.

I have the following code

var query = new SqlQuery();
            .Where(new Criteria("TenantID") == userDefinition.TenantId);

        using (var connection = sqlConnections.NewByKey("Default"))
            var data = connection.Query(query);

The data returned looks like {{DapperRow, ItemData = '2342342wef', ItemType = 'test'}}

What I'm struggling with is how to convert this into a dictionary (ItemData being the key, ItemType being the value).

I've tried a select but it doesn't seem to be supported so I'm at a bit of a loss.


  • The following should work.

    var data = connection.Query(query);
    var d = data.ToDictionary(row => (string)row.itemdata, row => (string)row.itemtype);

    Make sure you add the using System.Linq; at the top. ToDictionary() is an extension method.