
Session ID changes in Kohana 3.x

I am developing a Facebook app in Kohana 3.x. Now client requirement is to make Sessions GET based. but it is having a problem. I am using

ini_set( 'session.use_cookies_only', false );
ini_set( 'session.use_trans_sid', true );

in index.php and assuming that it should do that, it is concatenating PHPSESSID with href of a tag. But when page refresh with a PHPSESSID, PHPSESSID in GET and session_id() are different. I did that in normal PHP and it worked fine. So I think it is some problem happening in Kohana 3.x as it seems that Kohana use sessions differently and I am also starting session in index.php but not sure. What do I need to convert session to GET instead of cookie in Kohana 3.x?

I want to mention that I am using 5.3.2 on server where Kohana is running, I think this might be related to my problem


  • Transient sessions do not appear to work in 5.3.3. See this for reference:

    You can try using kohana's sessions library. Not sure if provides support for transient sessions.