
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock based frame timer

I have been using the following clock definition for a frame timer for years now:

    using frame_clock = std::conditional_t<

In other words, I want a clock that is defined using the highest possible resolution, but it must increment monotonically. Note that MSVC currently uses the following alias to define std::chrono::high_resolution_clock:

    using high_resolution_clock = steady_clock;

Therefore, on MSVC, the alias I have defined will just use std::chrono::steady_clock. This is not necessarily true for libstdc++ and libc++, hence the use of the alias.

Recently, I stumbled across a footnote here: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/chrono/high_resolution_clock

Notice that cppreference explicitly discourages the use of std::chrono::high_resolution_clock. Their rationale was that the clock varies by implementation... but isn't this true for std::chrono::steady_clock and std::chrono::system_clock as well? For instance, I was unable to find anything that guaranteed that the clock periods between clocks must be in certain units. In fact, I understand that is by design.

My question is, after having used std::chrono::high_resolution_clock for so many years (for frame timers and benchmarks), should I be more concerned than I am? Even here on this site, I see many recommendations to use std::chrono::high_resolution_clock, despite what this footnote says. Any kind of further insight on this disparity, or examples of where this could cause problems would be much appreciated.


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