
How many simultaneous outgoing sockets a linux box can open

I was wondering how many simultaneous sockets a linux box can open for TCP, UDP and ICMP communications in IPv4 and IPv6. While there are several replies about handling incoming (mainly TCP) connections, I didn't see a clear statement about outgoing.

My understanding is as follows:

This is a bit messy as things are not very clear for me. Thanks in advance for your enlightenment!


  • ... one can only open a number of sockets equal to the number of ephemeral ports

    No. TCP connections must be unique regarding the set of source-ip, source-port, destination-ip and destination-port. Thus the limit regarding source-ports is only true if everything else is constant. This means for outgoing connections this limit applies only for connections to a specific fixed IP and port (assuming you have only a single IP on the outgoing interface).

    And for UDP one has also to distinguish between a connected and unconnected socket. For connected sockets the same limits as for TCP connections apply. But there can be also unconnected UDP sockets which can sendto to arbitrary peers and also recvfrom from arbitrary peers, i.e. each sent or received packet can be unique regarding the peer. In this case the number of sockets is limited by the number of ports since each unconnected socket need (usually, see SO_REUSEPORT for exceptions) have a unique source-ip and source-port. But these sockets are on the other hand more flexible since a single socket can be used to communicate with arbitrary peers.

    ... what is the limit on the number of open (raw) sockets

    There is no inherent limit. But it gets messy with too much raw sockets since all incoming data are delivered to all raw sockets.

    IPv6: all above was IPv4 related, but what are the differences between IPv4 and IPv6 on that matter ?

    No difference.

    Apart from these limits there are of course other limits, like the number of open file descriptors per process, the number of file descriptors in total ... . But these limits can be tuned and are mostly hard-limited by the amount of memory available.