I need to plot a vertical line on a graph, and write the texts "PRE" and "POS" as shown in the attached figure, using the package and highcharts. So far I have not been successful. Follow my code so far.
hc <- bd
plotline <- list(color ="red", value =2015.5, width =5)
hchart('line', hcaes(x = hc$ANO, y = hc$Percentual, group = Niveis)%>%
hc_yAxis(plotLines = list(plotline))
You didn't provide data, so I grabbed some to use. I didn't try to match styles or colors - you didn't indicate that was a need.
weather # from highcharter package
w2 = weather %>% pivot_longer(min_temperaturec:mean_temperaturec, names_to = "Niveis", values_to = "Percentual")
hchart(w2, 'line', hcaes(x = date,
y = Percentual,
group = Niveis)) %>%
hc_xAxis(plotLines = list(list(value = datetime_to_timestamp(median(w2$date)), # I used the median date
# any 'date' you use needs the function
# datetime_to_timestamp()
width = 5, color = "red"))) %>%
# add Z index to put on top zIndex = 5
labels =
point = list(x = datetime_to_timestamp(min(w2$date)), # using the minimum date
y = max(w2$Percentual), xAxis = 0, yAxis = 0), # using the maximum y value
text = "PRE"
point = list(x = datetime_to_timestamp(max(w2$date)), # using the maximum date
y = max(w2$Percentual), xAxis = 0, yAxis = 0), # using the maximum y value
text = "POST"