I'm using GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 10-2020-q4-major (arm-none-eabi-* 10.2.1) and I would like to take advantage of modern c++ features.
So I'm trying to find out which c++ features (language core features as well as libstdc++ features) are available with this particular toolchain. I read through this matrix https://gcc.gnu.org/projects/cxx-status.html, and they don't seem to distinguish between different compiler ports.
How could I find if I could use C++17 or C++20 features for example ?
Regards, Hugo
As you can see on the gcc.gnu site you listed, all of the C++17 and C++20 features are listed. The "Available in GCC?" specifies which version of the GCC compiler is required to have a given feature available. It is essentially not your toolchain, but the compiler (as part of that tool chain) that defines your feature set.
In your given case, that you are using a GCC compiler for arm-non-eabi architecture, does not change this feature set, the version of the compiler does. So, with your arm-non-eabi-g++-10.2.1 you should have all the features for that compiler version available.