
Oracle SSL authentication wallet no longer working

I'm running test to connect to locally installed Oracle DB using SSL Oracle wallet.

I was able to create the wallet and use them for authentication successfully around two weeks ago. But this no longer seems to be working. Here is how I created the wallets.

Create Server wallet and export certificate:

orapki wallet create -wallet "C:/app/TestWallet/Server" -pwd Welcome1 -auto_login

orapki wallet add -wallet "C:/app/TestWallet/Server" -pwd Welcome1 -dn "CN=MyHostName.Domain.com" -keysize 1024 -self_signed -validity 3650 -sign_alg sha256

orapki wallet export -wallet "C:/app/TestWallet/Server" -pwd Welcome1 -dn "CN=MyHostName.Domain.com" -cert C:/app/TestWallet/MyHostName-certificate.crt

Create Client wallet and export certificate:

orapki wallet create -wallet "C:/app/TestWallet/Client" -pwd Welcome1 -auto_login

orapki wallet add -wallet "C:/app/TestWallet/Client" -pwd Welcome1 -dn "CN=DBUserName" -keysize 1024 -self_signed -validity 3650 -sign_alg sha256

orapki wallet export -wallet "C:/app/TestWallet/Client" -pwd Welcome1 -dn "CN=DBUserName" -cert C:/app/TestWallet/DBUserName-certificate.crt

Exchange Certificate:

orapki wallet add -wallet "C:/app/TestWallet/Client" -pwd Welcome1 -trusted_cert -cert C:/app/TestWallet/MyHostName-certificate.crt

orapki wallet add -wallet "C:/app/TestWallet/Server" -pwd Welcome1 -trusted_cert -cert C:/app/TestWallet/DBUserName-certificate.crt

Wallet display (Server):

orapki wallet display -wallet "C:/app/TestWallet/Server" -pwd Welcome1

Oracle PKI Tool : Version
Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Requested Certificates:
User Certificates:
Subject:        CN=MyHostName.Domain.com
Trusted Certificates:
Subject:        CN=DBUserName
Subject:        CN=MyHostName.Domain.com

Wallet display (Client):

orapki wallet display -wallet "C:/app/TestWallet/Client" -pwd Welcome1

Oracle PKI Tool : Version
Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Requested Certificates:
User Certificates:
Subject:        CN=DBUserName
Trusted Certificates:
Subject:        CN=DBUserName
Subject:        CN=MyHostName.Domain.com

Server sqlnet.ora


      (DIRECTORY = C:\app\TestWallet\Server)

Client sqlnet.ora


      (DIRECTORY = C:\app\TestWallet\Client)

I'm testing using OCCI Instant Client.

Environment *env = Environment::createEnvironment();
Connection *conn = env->createConnection(m_username.c_str(), m_password.c_str(), m_dbConnectionString.c_str());
// Note: username and password is not supplied to above function.

Above code throw exception as below:

ORA-29024: Certificate validation failure

I was able to create wallet and connect normally 2 weeks ago but this no longer seems to be working. If I set wallet path in sqlnet.ora to use old one from 2 weeks ago, I'm able to connect fine.

I'm sure that wallet path is correct. LSNRCTL also confirmed that the wallet path is right:

LSNRCTL> status


What might have I missed? How to make wallet SSL authentication to work?

EDIT: If in sqlnet.ora file, I change the wallet to path to use old wallet that I created 2 weeks ago. It is still working. The problem occur for only newly created wallet.


  • Ok, it seems I just missed one more settings in the Server's listener.ora This time I was creating wallet in different location than previous test.

      (SOURCE =
        (METHOD = FILE)
        (METHOD_DATA =
          (DIRECTORY = C:\app\TestWallet\Server)

    Changing this follow by:

    LSNRCTL> stop
    LSNRCTL> start

    Wait some time for it to update. Now got it up and running.