
Blaze Persistence EntityView inheritance mapping

I'm currently using Quarkus combined with Blaze Persistence for my microservice. I have the following entity model:

public class Content extends BaseEntity {
    private boolean deleted;
    private boolean published;

public class WebContent extends Content {
    private String webpage;

I've mapped the entities to the following EntityViews:

public interface ContentUpdateView {
    Long getId();
    boolean isPublished();
    void setPublished(boolean published);

public interface WebContentUpdateView extends ContentUpdateView {
    String getWebpage();
    void setWebpage(String webpage);

I have the following method in my ContentsResource:

public ContentUpdateView save(ContentUpdateView content) {
    return contentsService.save(content);

When I invoke the post operation I only get the base ContentUpdateView and not the WebContentUpdateView. Is there any configuration to do? (with Jackson I use @JsonTypeInfo and @JsonSubType annotation on the entities to accomplish this).

Thanks euks


  • I got it working using Jackson annotation. Here's the base class:

            use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
            property = "type")
            @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = DescriptiveContentView.class, name = "descriptive"),
            @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = MediaContentView.class, name = "media"),
            @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = WebContentView.class, name = "web")
    public abstract class ContentView {
        public abstract Long getId();
        public abstract boolean isPublished();

    And here's a subclass:

    public abstract class DescriptiveContentView extends ContentView {
        public abstract Set<LocalizedParagraphView> getLocalizedParagraphs();

    I'm using abstract classes for other purposes, but it also works with interfaces.