I am getting the following error when trying to import a raster image to a PostGIS DB using raster2pgsql.
ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
I have tried a number of different solutions without any luck.
OS is Windows 10 PostgreSQL version 12
This is my command
raster2pgsql -s 32735 -I -C -M C:\Users\jaunv\Dropbox\share2server\postgis\2020-09-26-00_00_2020-09-26-23_59_Sentinel-2_L2A_Moisture_index.tiff -F -t 250x250 public.raster | psql -d geofarm -U postgres -p 5432
try to run without -C
and with -e
for executing without transaction
Does table public.raster exist and has any data?
also for clean experiment it is better to insert into empty table