
Markwon linkify in a composable Text

In Android using jetpack-compose, is there currently a way to display a text containing links in a @Composable Text?

In legacy TextView, we used Markwon with linkify plugin. Markwon creates a Spanned object that we can set into the TextView's text.

Is there a way to proceed with the same with @Composable Text? Or do we have to use a legacy TextView embedded within a @Composable AndroidView?

Thank you


  • I think this library can help you:

    Add the repository to the project's build.gradle.

    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url '' } // add this

    Then, add the dependency to the module's build.gradle

    implementation 'com.github.jeziellago:compose-markdown:0.2.0'

    and finally, you can use the library as follows:

        markdown = "Click [here]( or"

    In this sample, both links are detected.