I have a legend inside the map, is working fine when the map is not full screen, but when the map is full screen the legend is not showing.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior
The legend should work fine when full screen.
Normal screen, working fine:
Full screen, not showing the legend:
Additional context
Code example available on codesandbox https://codesandbox.io/s/ecstatic-wave-c3qmg. You should open the link https://c3qmg.csb.app/ on another page to be able to see the fullscreen icon.
Code extract:
<!-- MapBox map -->
<MglFullscreenControl position="top-left" />
<MglNavigationControl position="top-left" />
<MglScaleControl position="bottom-left" />
<!-- Custom html legend, using the feature selected-->
<MapLegend :feature="selectedFeature" />
v-for="geoJsonLayer in getGeoJsonLayers.mapLayers"
<!-- Fill geojson -->
<!-- Source is not needed but the source id is needed :) when you are using an already defined source above -->
<!-- Outline geojson -->
Node packages installed:
├── @highcharts/map-collection@1.1.3
├── @vue/cli-plugin-babel@4.2.3
├── @vue/cli-plugin-eslint@4.2.3
├── @vue/cli-service@4.2.3
├── axios@0.19.2
├── babel-eslint@10.1.0
├── bootstrap-vue@2.21.2
├── bootstrap@4.6.0
├── core-js@3.9.1
├── d3-drag@2.0.0
├── d3-force@2.1.1
├── d3@6.6.1
├── eslint-plugin-vue@6.2.2
├── eslint@6.8.0
├── highcharts-vue@1.3.5
├── highcharts@8.2.2
├── leaflet.heat@0.2.0
├── leaflet@1.7.1
├── mapbox-gl@0.53.1
├── moment-timezone@0.5.33
├── proj4@2.7.2
├── qs@6.10.1
├── vue-axios@2.1.5
├── vue-i18n@8.24.2
├── vue-mapbox@0.4.1
├── vue-router@3.5.1
├── vue-template-compiler@2.6.12
├── vue@2.6.12
└── vuex@3.6.2
By default, the Mapbox GL JS fullscreen control only makes the map container itself full screen. Nothing else on the screen will be visible.
So you need to pass the container element through to Vue-Mapbox's MglFullScreenControl
as the container
parameter, along these lines:
<div id="mycontainer">
<MglFullscreenControl position="top-left" :container="containerElement"/>
<MapBoxLegend :selectedFeature="selectedFeature" />
There's probably a better way to do this, but you can set that element as a data property once your component mounts.
data() {
return {
containerElement: null
mounted() {
this.containerElement = document.getElementById('mycontainer')
I forked your code sandbox here.