After the upgrade from M2.3.3 to M2.4.2 checkout page is not working.
In system.log file I am getting an error:
[2021-04-27 10:35:21] report.CRITICAL: Empty or no Private Key provided [] []
Anyone having idea on this?
There's little to no details to go on on based on your error, alas with some googling I've ended up at this exception:
$myApiKey = Openpay::getApiKey();
if (!$myApiKey) {
throw new OpenpayApiAuthError("Empty or no Private Key provided");
} else if (!preg_match('/^sk_[a-z0-9]{32}$/i', $myApiKey)) {
throw new OpenpayApiAuthError("Invalid Private Key '".$myApiKey."'");
Which I suppose indicates you're using a module to interact with OpenPay's API ( maybe this one? ) in which case you may wanna double-check your private key are all sorted out in your back-end config: