I have 2 different components where I am using Angular - Expansion Panel for expandable summary view.
I am able to integrate <mat-expansion-panel>
to individual components successfully.
I need help to make Component2.html
as parent of Component1.html
(Expand within expand- Please see below Image)
Component 1 should be able to expand and collapse independently to show data
Component 2 should embed Component 1 within itself, so when Component 1 is expanded it can show its data and display remaining Child components
NOTE - Both the component has Sibling relation, no parent child
or child - parent
<div class="row">
<div class>
<dl class="row property_set" data-property-set-name="data">
<mat-expansion-panel (opened)="doExpand = true"
(closed)="doExpand = false">
<dt class="col-sm-4 record_property">data</dt>
<dd class="col-sm-8 record_property_value data_name" id="{{genId(data.name)}}">
[(field)]="data.name" [elementType]="a.bName" (fieldChange)="dataModified(data)"
cols="30" rows="1"></inline-misal-edit>
<dt class="col-sm-4 record_property">news</dt>
<dd class="col-sm-8 record_property_value">{{data.news?.created | news}}</dd>
<dl class="row property_set" data-property-set-name="misal">
<mat-expansion-panel (opened)="doExpand = true"
(closed)="doExpand = false">
misal Id
<dd class="col-sm-10 record_property_value" data-property-type="select">{{misal.id || 'new'}}</dd>
<dd class="col-sm-10 record_property_value misal_name">{{misal.data[0].name}}</dd>
<dt class="col-sm-2 record_property">Country Pass</dt>
<dt class="col-sm-2 record_property">Plugins Program</dt>
<dd class="col-sm-10 record_property_value">
<north-dhamma[(misal)]="misal" [editMode]="editMode" (misalChange)="recordModified.emit()"></registry-number>
<dt *ngIf="misal.value === 'hovered'" class="col-sm-2 record_property">Related Plugins Program</dt>
<dd *ngIf="misal.value === 'hovered'" class="col-sm-10 record_property_value">
.ts file
panelOpenState = true;
The answer given below by Robbie works for parent - child component relation
but not for the sibling component
One way to do this is using a shared service - https://angular.io/guide/component-interaction#parent-and-children-communicate-via-a-service
However I find the following solution much simpler, it allows to share data between 2 siblings.
import { AppSibling1Component } from '../app-sibling1/app-sibling1.component';
export class AppSibling2Component {
@Input() data: AppSibling1Component;
In you parent component template:
<!-- Assigns "AppSibling1Component" instance to variable "data" -->
<app-sibling1 #data></app-sibling1>
<!-- Passes the variable "data" to AppSibling2Component instance -->
<app-sibling2 [data]="data"></app-sibling2>
I believe this is what you are looking for. Let me know if you have any questions