
Extracting ELMo features using tensorflow and convert them to numpy

So I am interested to extract sentence embeddings using ELMo model.

I tried this at first:

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import numpy as np

elmo_model = hub.Module("", trainable=True)

x = ["Hi my friend"]

embeddings = elmo_model(x, signature="default", as_dict=True)["elmo"]


It works well until the last line, that I could not convert it to numpy array.

I searched a little and I found if I put the following line in the beginning of my codes, the problem must be solved.


However, I put this at the beginning of my code, I realized I could not compile the

elmo_model = hub.Module("", trainable=True)

I received this error:

Exporting/importing meta graphs is not supported when eager execution is enabled. No graph exists when eager execution is enabled.

How can I solve my problem? My goal is to obtain sentence features and use them in NumPy array.

Thanks in advance


  • TF 2.x

    TF2 behavior is closer to the classic python behavior, because it defaults to eager execution. However, you should use hub.load to load your model in TF2.

    elmo = hub.load("").signatures["default"]
    x = ["Hi my friend"]
    embeddings = elmo(tf.constant(x))["elmo"]

    Then, you can access the results and convert them to numpy array using the numpy method.

    >>> embeddings.numpy()
    array([[[-0.7205108 , -0.27990735, -0.7735629 , ..., -0.24703965,
             -0.8358178 , -0.1974785 ],
            [ 0.18500198, -0.12270843, -0.35163105, ...,  0.14234722,
              0.08479916, -0.11709933],
            [-0.49985904, -0.88964033, -0.30124515, ...,  0.15846594,
              0.05210422,  0.25386307]]], dtype=float32)

    TF 1.x

    If using TF 1.x, you should run the operation inside a tf.Session. TensorFlow does not use eager execution and requires to first build the graph, and then evaluate the results inside a session.

    elmo_model = hub.Module("", trainable=True)
    x = ["Hi my friend"]
    embeddings_op = elmo_model(x, signature="default", as_dict=True)["elmo"]
    # required to load the weights into the graph
    init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        embeddings =

    In that case, the result will already be a numpy array:

    >>> embeddings
    array([[[-0.72051036, -0.27990723, -0.773563  , ..., -0.24703972,
             -0.83581805, -0.19747877],
            [ 0.18500218, -0.12270836, -0.35163072, ...,  0.14234722,
              0.08479934, -0.11709933],
            [-0.49985906, -0.8896401 , -0.3012453 , ...,  0.15846589,
              0.05210405,  0.2538631 ]]], dtype=float32)