How one can include Mixpanel analytics in Nuxt.js?
Honestly, I'm new to Nuxt.js and Vue, and Mixpanel but website I inherited is descant so I'd rather learn than change. Adding Google Analytic is pretty straight forward as there's a great package nuxtjs google-analytics; it only requires adding googleAnalytics
to Nuxt config and all is done magically.
For Mixpanel I have found both vue-mixpanel and mixpanel-browser but I'm not really sure how to use them. The first one seems appropriate but once I initiate the plugin I'm confused where to use the this.$mixpanel
references. Is there some "on page load" event? No idea how to add something to page's header.
With Nuxt
you have layouts. Each page is going to be utilizing a layout. You can add a watcher
to the $route
object, and determine when it changes and track the page views in this way fairly easily.
// layouts/default.vue (or whatever layout is being used)
watch: {
$route: {
handler: function () {
// from the vue-mixpanel documentation
this.$mixpanel.track('event name', {
distinct_id: 'unique client id',
immediate: true // fires this function immediately when the object has bound to the watcher
Mind you that if different pages use different layouts, they'll need to all implement this same logic, which you could abstract into a mixin.