I am using compile time features of boost::hana::string
for generating xaml markup strings for a GUI.
I am using VS2017 configured as C++17 language, but there is some moment where strings are too long that I received the next message from compiler:
fatal error C1202: recursive type or function dependency context too complex
If I delete a few characters from the string, everything is ok, so I guess is length dependant.
Next code is working right in coliru under gcc, but it fails miserabily in MSVS2017:
NOTE: Please, take into account that I have removed all the configurabled and templated variables in the example to focus just in the problem. Of course, it is not worthy to use boost::hana like sample code, is just a minimal working source.
#include <boost/hana/string.hpp>
constexpr auto markup_ribbon()
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>"
"<Border VerticalAlignment='Top'>"
"<LinearGradientBrush StartPoint='0,0.2' EndPoint='0.8,0.8'>"
"<GradientStop Offset='0' Color='#cd0000'/>"
"<GradientStop Offset='0.75' Color='#fc999e'/>"
"<GradientStop Offset='1' Color='#e4ecf7'/>"
"<StackPanel Orientation='Vertical' TextBlock.FontFamily='Tahoma'>"
"<Style TargetType='Path'>"
"<Setter Property='Fill' Value='Blue'/>"
"<Trigger Property='IsMouseOver' Value='True'>"
"<Setter Property='Fill' Value='Red'/>"
"<ColumnDefinition Width='300'/>"
"<ColumnDefinition Width='*'/>"
"<ColumnDefinition Width='*'/>"
"<ColumnDefinition Width='50'/>"
"<ColumnDefinition Width='200'/>"
"<Image Margin='10' HorizontalAlignment='Left' VerticalAlignment='Center' Source='1'/>"
"<TextBlock Grid.Column='1' HorizontalAlignment='Left' VerticalAlignment='Center' FontSize='44' FontWeight='Bold' Foreground='#ffffff'>ASDF2021</TextBlock>"
"<Image Grid.Column='2' HorizontalAlignment='Left' VerticalAlignment='Top' Source='3'/>"
"<TextBlock Grid.Column='3' HorizontalAlignment='Right' VerticalAlignment='Center'><Hyperlink TextDecorations='' Tag='back' ToolTip='Back to administration screen. Back to administration screen.'><Path Stroke='Purple' StrokeThickness='2' Data='M12.981,9.073V6.817l-12.106,6.99l12.106,6.99v-2.422c3.285-0.002,9.052,0.28,9.052,2.269c0,2.78-6.023,4.263-6.023,4.263v2.132c0,0,13.53,0.463,13.53-9.823C29.54,9.134,17.952,8.831,12.981,9.073z'/></Hyperlink></TextBlock>"
"<TextBlock Grid.Column='4' Margin='0,0,30,0' HorizontalAlignment='Right' VerticalAlignment='Center' FontSize='18' FontWeight='Bold'><Hyperlink Tag='exit' TextDecorations='' ToolTip='Close current session and go back to user screen. Good Bye, good bye.'>Close current session</Hyperlink></TextBlock>"
"<Border Height='3' Background='#9ebbdd'/>"
"<Border Height='3' Background='White'/>"
#include <iostream>
constexpr auto markup = markup_ribbon();
int main()
std::cout << markup << std::endl;
I understand that problem is compiler+recursion related, not boost::hana's problem at all, but maybe is there some tweak, hack or something that I may adjust in IDE so this works?
The compiler is giving up because you are creating a template with too many parameters. The representation of a Hana string is hana::string<'<', '?', 'x', 'm',...>
where each character is a non-type template parameter. This is generated by some tricks inside the BOOST_HANA_STRING
I suggest looking at the following presentation for some insight on how to deal with large compile-time strings: Constexpr All the Things - Jason Turner, Ben Deane
Aside from that, here is a basic example of one possible approach that you could possibly put in your own macro depending on how you are using these.
static constexpr char name[] = "really long string";
template <char const* str>
struct my_string {
static constexpr char const* value = str;
auto name_s = my_string<name>{};
static_assert(name_s.value[3] == 'l', "");