
In rails Active Admin, how do I pass a value to prefill a new model form

Let's say I have a column of remote staff and each of those staff can either be home worker or remote worker.

From the remote staff index page, I can click on create home worker and it will take me to the new home worker create page.

The following builds me a link that takes me to the create home worker page..

column :home_worker do |remote_staff|
      if remote_staff.home_worker
        link_to("Home worker ##{}", admin_home_worker_path(remote_staff.home_worker), method: :get)
        link_to('Create Home Worker', redirect_to_home_worker_create_admin_remote_staff_path(remote_staff), method: :get)

Let's say all remote staff also have full names and so do home workers How do I pre-fill the create home worker full name column?


  • I found a way to do it... I just needed to put the following into the new home worker f.inputs and then pass that value as full_name

    remote_staff_full_name = RemoteStaff.find(params['home_worker']["remote_staff_id"]).full_name unless params['home_worker'].nil?
    f.input :full_name, label: "Full name", :input_html => { :value => remote_staff_full_name }