I have a simple batch to write to C:\Program Files (x86)\Data\ori.csv file the folowing information: division, originator name
@echo off
CHOICE /C NS /M "Please Choose Division:"
if errorlevel 1 set division=A8-NN
if errorlevel 2 set division=A8-NS
set /P ori= "Add %division% Originator? [(Y)=yes / (N)=No] "
IF /I "%ori%" NEQ "N" goto add (
) else (
goto exit
set /p oriname= "Please Enter %division% Originator Name "
echo Division %division% Originator %oriname% has been Sucessfully added
echo %division%,%oriname% >>C:\%programfiles(x86)%\data\Ori.csv
goto prompt
the output of csv to be e.g.
the data of this .csv is gonna change every 2 months for the divisions (new people assigned in each division)
My problem is that i want in a seperate batch file from ori.csv file to read the data and for a specific division use the choice command to choose one originator
As far i have done this:
CHOICE /C NS /M "Please Choose Division:"
if errorlevel 1 set division=A8-NN
if errorlevel 2 set division=A8-NS
for /f "tokens=1-20* delims=," %%a in ('type "C:\%programfiles(x86)%\data\Ori.csv"') do (
if %%a== ("%division%)
set b = %%b
set "count=!count!+1"
echo %count% %%b
What i tried to do is to the %count% variable store a number identifier and to the %b variable store the originator name. How can I use those two variables as input to a choice command?
You'll need a slightly different approach. After some clarification in the comments.. I would recommended that you move towards set /p
here, simply because we never know how many options there will be, you say max 20, but tomorrow suddenly there are 27, then what? So I will rather be safe than sorry :)
@echo off & set cnt=0
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "usebackq tokens=1* delims=," %%a in ("%programfiles(x86)%\data\Ori.csv") do (
if not defined %%a (
set /a cnt+=1
set "%%a=%%a"
set "!cnt!=%%a"
echo !cnt!. %%a
set /p "oper=Please choose Division (1 to !cnt!): "
if not %oper% gtr !cnt! (
set cnt=0
for /f "usebackq tokens=1-20* delims=," %%a in ("%programfiles(x86)%\data\Ori.csv") do if "%%a" == "!%oper%!" set /a cnt+=1 & echo !cnt! %%b