I have a strange use case where I need to keep track of all previous emitted events.
Thanks to the ReplaySubject, it works perfectly so far. On every new subscriber, this Subject re-emits every previous events.
Now, for a specific scenario, I need to be able to give only the latest published events (a bit like a BehaviorSubject), but keeping the source the same events.
Here is a snippet of what I'm trying to achieve: stackblitz
import { ReplaySubject, BehaviorSubject, from } from "rxjs";
class EventManager {
constructor() {
this.mySubject = new ReplaySubject();
publish(value) {
fullSubscribe(next, error, complete) {
return this.mySubject.subscribe(next, error, complete);
subscribe(next, error, complete) {
return this.mySubject.pipe(/* an operator to get the last one on new subscribe */).subscribe(next, error, complete);
const myEventManager = new EventManager();
myEventManager.publish("Data 1");
myEventManager.publish("Data 2");
myEventManager.publish("Data 3");
myEventManager.fullSubscribe(v => {
console.log("SUB 1", v);
myEventManager.subscribe(v => {
console.log("SUB 2", v);
Thank you
If you keep track of the number of events you've published, you could use skip
subscribe(next, error?, complete?) {
return this.mySubject.pipe(
skip(this.publishCount - 1)
).subscribe(next, error, complete);
Here's a StackBlitz demo.