So, basically in my Angular project I'm trying to cache an HttpClient's request and response using the Cache API through the following line of code:
.pipe(map(cache => {
cache.put(request, response);
The request argument is the request's URL and the response argument is the request's response.
I pass the HttpResponse object, that I get from the successful HttpClient GET request, to the cache.put call as the response. However, I keep getting this error in the text editor.
Argument of type 'HttpResponse<Blob>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Response'.
Type 'HttpResponse<Blob>' is missing the following properties from type 'Response': redirected, trailer, bodyUsed, arrayBuffer, and 4 more
I obtain the HttpResponse object from the following line of code:
return this.httpClient.get(url, { responseType: "blob", observe: "response" });
I don't really know how to resolve this issue. Does this mean I cannot use the caches API with HttpClient in Angular? Or is there some workaround to handle such an issue?
Thanks in advance.
I managed to resolve this issue.
For anyone experiencing the same issue. I created a new Response object through the constructor and passed the body, status and status text from the HttpResponse to it as per the documentation here. Here is an example:
const responseAsResponseType = new Response(response.body, {
"status": response.status,
"statusText": response.statusText,