I want to build a simple metronome app using AVAudioEngine with these features:
So I have created two short click sounds (26ms / 1150 samples @ 16 bit / 44,1 kHz / stereo wav files) and load them into 2 buffers. Their lengths will be set to represent one period.
My UI setup is simple: A button to toggle start / pause and a label to display the current beat (my "counter" variable).
When using scheduleBuffer's loop property the timing is okay, but as I need to have 2 different sounds and a way to sync/update my UI while looping the clicks I cannot use this. I figured out to use the completionHandler instead which the restarts my playClickLoop() function - see my code attach below.
Unfortunately while implementing this I didn't really measure the accuracy of the timing. As it now turns out when setting bpm to 120, it plays the loop at only about 117,5 bpm - quite steadily but still way too slow. When bpm is set to 180, my app plays at about 172,3 bpm.
What's going on here? Is this delay introduced by using the completionHandler? Is there any way to improve the timing? Or is my whole approach wrong?
Thanks in advance! Alex
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
class ViewController: UIViewController {
private let engine = AVAudioEngine()
private let player = AVAudioPlayerNode()
private let fileName1 = "sound1.wav"
private let fileName2 = "sound2.wav"
private var file1: AVAudioFile! = nil
private var file2: AVAudioFile! = nil
private var buffer1: AVAudioPCMBuffer! = nil
private var buffer2: AVAudioPCMBuffer! = nil
private let sampleRate: Double = 44100
private var bpm: Double = 180.0
private var periodLengthInSamples: Double { 60.0 / bpm * sampleRate }
private var counter: Int = 0
private enum MetronomeState {case run; case stop}
private var state: MetronomeState = .stop
@IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// MARK: Loading buffer1
let path1 = Bundle.main.path(forResource: fileName1, ofType: nil)!
let url1 = URL(fileURLWithPath: path1)
do {file1 = try AVAudioFile(forReading: url1)
buffer1 = AVAudioPCMBuffer(
pcmFormat: file1.processingFormat,
frameCapacity: AVAudioFrameCount(periodLengthInSamples))
try file1.read(into: buffer1!)
buffer1.frameLength = AVAudioFrameCount(periodLengthInSamples)
} catch { print("Error loading buffer1 \(error)") }
// MARK: Loading buffer2
let path2 = Bundle.main.path(forResource: fileName2, ofType: nil)!
let url2 = URL(fileURLWithPath: path2)
do {file2 = try AVAudioFile(forReading: url2)
buffer2 = AVAudioPCMBuffer(
pcmFormat: file2.processingFormat,
frameCapacity: AVAudioFrameCount(periodLengthInSamples))
try file2.read(into: buffer2!)
buffer2.frameLength = AVAudioFrameCount(periodLengthInSamples)
} catch { print("Error loading buffer2 \(error)") }
// MARK: Configure + start engine
engine.connect(player, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: file1.processingFormat)
do { try engine.start() } catch { print(error) }
// MARK: Play / Pause toggle action
@IBAction func buttonPresed(_ sender: UIButton) {
sender.isSelected = !sender.isSelected
if player.isPlaying {
state = .stop
} else {
state = .run
try! engine.start()
private func playClickLoop() {
// MARK: Completion handler
let scheduleBufferCompletionHandler = { [unowned self] /*(_: AVAudioPlayerNodeCompletionCallbackType)*/ in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
switch state {
case .run:
case .stop:
counter = 0
// MARK: Schedule buffer + play
if engine.isRunning {
counter += 1; if counter > 4 {counter = 1} // Counting from 1 to 4 only
if counter == 1 {
// MARK: Playing sound1 on beat 1
at: nil,
options: [.interruptsAtLoop],
//completionCallbackType: .dataPlayedBack,
completionHandler: scheduleBufferCompletionHandler)
} else {
// MARK: Playing sound2 on beats 2, 3 & 4
at: nil,
options: [.interruptsAtLoop],
//completionCallbackType: .dataRendered,
completionHandler: scheduleBufferCompletionHandler)
// MARK: Display current beat on UILabel + to console
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.label.text = String(self.counter)
As Phil Freihofner suggested above, here's the solution to my own problem:
The most important lesson I learned: The completionHandler callback provided by the scheduleBuffer command is not called early enough to trigger re-scheduling of another buffer while the first one is still playing. This will result in (inaudible) gaps between the sounds and mess up the timing. There must already be another buffer "in reserve", i.e. having been schdeduled before the current one has been scheduled.
Using the completionCallbackType parameter of scheduleBuffer didn't change much considering the time of the completion callback: When setting it to .dataRendered or .dataConsumed the callback was already too late to re-schedule another buffer. Using .dataPlayedback made things only worse :-)
So, to achieve seamless playback (with correct timing!) I simply activated a timer that triggers twice per period. All odd numbered timer events will re-schedule another buffer.
Sometimes the solution is so easy it's embarrassing... But sometimes you have to try almost every wrong approach first to find it ;-)
My complete working solution (including the two sound files and the UI) can be found here on GitHub:
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
private let DEBUGGING_OUTPUT = true
class ViewController: UIViewController{
private var engine = AVAudioEngine()
private var player = AVAudioPlayerNode()
private var mixer = AVAudioMixerNode()
private let fileName1 = "sound1.wav"
private let fileName2 = "sound2.wav"
private var file1: AVAudioFile! = nil
private var file2: AVAudioFile! = nil
private var buffer1: AVAudioPCMBuffer! = nil
private var buffer2: AVAudioPCMBuffer! = nil
private let sampleRate: Double = 44100
private var bpm: Double = 133.33
private var periodLengthInSamples: Double {
60.0 / bpm * sampleRate
private var timerEventCounter: Int = 1
private var currentBeat: Int = 1
private var timer: Timer! = nil
private enum MetronomeState {case running; case stopped}
private var state: MetronomeState = .stopped
@IBOutlet weak var beatLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var bpmLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var playPauseButton: UIButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {
bpmLabel.text = "\(bpm) BPM"
private func setupAudio() {
// MARK: Loading buffer1
let path1 = Bundle.main.path(forResource: fileName1, ofType: nil)!
let url1 = URL(fileURLWithPath: path1)
do {file1 = try AVAudioFile(forReading: url1)
buffer1 = AVAudioPCMBuffer(
pcmFormat: file1.processingFormat,
frameCapacity: AVAudioFrameCount(periodLengthInSamples))
try file1.read(into: buffer1!)
buffer1.frameLength = AVAudioFrameCount(periodLengthInSamples)
} catch { print("Error loading buffer1 \(error)") }
// MARK: Loading buffer2
let path2 = Bundle.main.path(forResource: fileName2, ofType: nil)!
let url2 = URL(fileURLWithPath: path2)
do {file2 = try AVAudioFile(forReading: url2)
buffer2 = AVAudioPCMBuffer(
pcmFormat: file2.processingFormat,
frameCapacity: AVAudioFrameCount(periodLengthInSamples))
try file2.read(into: buffer2!)
buffer2.frameLength = AVAudioFrameCount(periodLengthInSamples)
} catch { print("Error loading buffer2 \(error)") }
// MARK: Configure + start engine
engine.connect(player, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: file1.processingFormat)
do { try engine.start() } catch { print(error) }
// MARK: Play / Pause toggle action
@IBAction func buttonPresed(_ sender: UIButton) {
sender.isSelected = !sender.isSelected
if state == .running {
// PAUSE: Stop timer and reset counters
state = .stopped
timerEventCounter = 1
currentBeat = 1
} else {
// START: Pre-load first sound and start timer
state = .running
private func startTimer() {
print("# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ")
// Compute interval for 2 events per period and set up timer
let timerIntervallInSamples = 0.5 * self.periodLengthInSamples / sampleRate
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: timerIntervallInSamples, repeats: true) { timer in
// Only for debugging: Print counter values at start of timer event
// Values at begin of timer event
print("timerEvent #\(self.timerEventCounter) at \(self.bpm) BPM")
print("Entering \ttimerEventCounter: \(self.timerEventCounter) \tcurrentBeat: \(self.currentBeat) ")
// Schedule next buffer at 1st, 3rd, 5th & 7th timerEvent
var bufferScheduled: String = "" // only needed for debugging / console output
switch self.timerEventCounter {
case 7:
// Schedule main sound
self.player.scheduleBuffer(self.buffer1, at:nil, options: [], completionHandler: nil)
bufferScheduled = "buffer1"
case 1, 3, 5:
// Schedule subdivision sound
self.player.scheduleBuffer(self.buffer2, at:nil, options: [], completionHandler: nil)
bufferScheduled = "buffer2"
bufferScheduled = ""
// Display current beat & increase currentBeat (1...4) at 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th timerEvent
if self.timerEventCounter % 2 == 0 {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.beatLabel.text = String(self.currentBeat)
self.currentBeat += 1; if self.currentBeat > 4 {self.currentBeat = 1}
// Increase timerEventCounter, two events per beat.
self.timerEventCounter += 1; if self.timerEventCounter > 8 {self.timerEventCounter = 1}
// Only for debugging: Print counter values at end of timer event
print("Exiting \ttimerEventCounter: \(self.timerEventCounter) \tcurrentBeat: \(self.currentBeat) \tscheduling: \(bufferScheduled)")
private func scheduleFirstBuffer() {
// pre-load accented main sound (for beat "1") before trigger starts
player.scheduleBuffer(buffer1, at: nil, options: [], completionHandler: nil)
beatLabel.text = String(currentBeat)
Thanks so much for your help everyone! This is a wonderful community.