
unbale to send mails to distribution list with attachment unix/solaris 10

trying to send mail to distribution list with attachment, but no luck

seems unbale to identified DL, but when specified with mail ids (e.g. "xzy@eee.com,abc@eee.com") it works fine.

I have Oracle Solaris 10.

code be like..


mailx -s "test_mail" -r xyz@gmail.com -t "DL-xzy@outlook.com" < text_file.txt



uuencode text_file.txt text_file.txt| mailx -s " test mail" -t "DL-xzy@outlook.com"


Ignoring recipients on command line with -t
No recipients specified

OR when using "mail" option

mail  -t "DL-xzy@outlook.com" -s "test_mail" -r xyz@gmail.com < text_file.txt


mail: Options MUST PRECEDE persons


  • Use this command:

    uuencode text_file.txt text_file.txt| mailx -s " test mail"  "DL-xzy@outlook.com"

    DL as such is managed by mail server, -t have totally different role