I have cloned the file sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Partials/Media/Type/Image.html
into my own template directory and set the constant to use that path. This works fine.
Now I want to output the "source" metadata of the image (which you can edit from the files list or some other places) additionally.
In debug output of {file}
I can see this data under the branch {file.originalFile.metaDataAspect.source}
But if I want to use this data to output there comes an error message Cannot access private property TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\File::$metaDataAspect
How can I access this data in my modified fluid_styled_content template?
The data are stored inside the properties of an array not(!) shown by <f:debug>{filereference}</f:debug>
The data come from the system extension "filemetadata". One can access the file metadata by using {filereferce.properties.source}
or any other detail you want. You can get a list of all provided properties by using <f:debug>{filereference.properties}</f:debug>
Source: Using FAL in the Frontend