For each document (.pdf, .txt, .docx ecc) I have also a corresponding json file with the same filename.
Example: file1.json, file1.pdf, file2.json, file2.txt, filex.json, filex.pdf,
But I got also some json files which are not accompanied with the corresponding document.
I want to delete all json files which have no corresponding document. Im really stucked because I cant find a proper solution to my problem.
I know how to scandir() get the filename, extensions from pathinfo() ecc. but the issue is that for each json file I find in directory I have to perform another foreach on that directory excluding all json files and see If the same filename exists or not so than I can decide to delete it. (This is how I think to solve it).
The problem here is with performance since there are millions of files and for each json I have to run a foreach on millions of files.
Can anyone guide me to a better solution?
Thank you!
Edit: Since no one will help without first posting a piece of code (and this approach in stackoverflow is definitively wrong) here is how I'm trying.:
$dir = "2000/";
$files = scandir($dir);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$fullName = pathinfo($file);
if ($fullName['extension'] === 'json') {
if (!in_array($fullName['filename'].'.pdf', $files)){
Now as you can see I can only search only for one type of document (.pdf
in this case). I want to search for every extension excluding .json
and also I don't want that for each json file to run a foreach/in_array() but achieving all this in just one foreach.
Maybe you should consider it in another way? I mean, iterate through all files, and try to find corresponding files to json
, if not found remove it.
It would look like follows:
$dir = "2000/";
foreach (glob($dir . "*.json") as $file) {
$file = new \SplFileInfo($dir . $file);
if (count(glob($dir . $file->getBasename('.' . $file->getExtension()) . ".*")) === 1) {
unlink($dir . $file->getFilename());