
Saving data to the cloud

The Toit documentation indicates that one of the advantages of the system is the simplicity and reliability of saving data received by the application from the sensors & etc on the cloud. There is even a special SDK for this. True, I did not find anything about this in the examples, so the question is: how to do this? Below is a small application that generates a list of numbers. I want to save it on the cloud. How update saveDataOnCloud procedure to solve the problem?

import math

getData points -> List :
  list := []
  period := 4*math.PI
  step := period/points
  for i := 0; i < points; i++ :
    list.add (2*(math.sin i*step))
  return list 
saveDataOnCloud data/List :
 log("save on cloud -> $data")

main :
  data := getData 128
  saveDataOnCloud data


  • To transfer the data to the cloud in would use the PubSub library to transfer the data and json to encode it:

    saveDataOnCloud data/List:
      pubsub.publish "cloud:myPoints" 
        json.encode data

    Then you can fetch it using the GRPC PubSub API:

    Note: toit does not offer long-term storage but only transient transfers of data to/from your devices and server applications.