
How to enable Calico network policy on the existing AKS cluster

I want to enable Calico network policy on existing AKS cluster. Is there any way to do that?

I found the following statement on the official Microsoft documentation that, "You can't enable network policy on an existing AKS cluster. To use Azure Network Policy, you must use the Azure CNI plug-in and define your own virtual network and subnets."

But I raising this question because what if we need to implement this on the existing production level clusters??

If there is no option then for only this thing we need to do various time consuming operations on that production servers and then we have to enable policy.

Please help me on this. Thank you.


  • I'm afraid you can't enable the network policy on the existing AKS cluster. It shows here:

    The network policy feature can only be enabled when the cluster is created. You can't enable network policy on an existing AKS cluster.