
Hashmaps in javacc

I want to create a programming language that has multiple functions and a single main function. For the interpreter of the language I am using a hash map, but I do not know how to store intermediate values in the hash map. An example of a valid program includes:

DEF ADDITION x { x+3 } ;

This is what I have so far:

HashMap<String, Function> Program() : {
    HashMap<String, Function> symbolTable = new HashTable<>();
    {return symbolTable;}

void FunctionDefinition(SymbolTable table)
    Function f;
    String name;
    <DEF> <SPACE>
        (name = <MAIN>)
    |   (name = <FUNC> (<SPACE> <PARAM> ))
    f = FunctionBody()
        if (table.hashKey(name)) { System.out.println("do something");}
        else { table.add(name, f); }

void FunctionBody() : {}
    <LEFT> <SPACE>

void Expression() : {}

void AdditiveExpression() : {
    MultiplicativeExpression() (<PLUS> MultiplicativeExpression()
        try {
                int a = s.pop();
                int b = s.pop();
        catch (ClassCastException ex) {
            System.out.println("Only numbers can be used for arithmetic operations.");
            throw new ParseException();

void MultiplicativeExpression() : {
    UnaryExpression() (<MUL> UnaryExpression()
        try {
            int a = s.pop();
            int b = s.pop();
        catch (ClassCastException ex) {
            System.out.println("Only numbers can be used for arithmetic operations");
            throw new ParseException();

void UnaryExpression() : {
    Token x;
    (x = <NUMBER> | x = <PARAM>)

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • As @Theodore has said, you can't execute the program while you're parsing it. I thought I'd add my two cents here.

    The result of the parsing could be the table of functions though, and you would have a main method that would do something like this:

            Parser parser = new Parser(System.in, "UTF-8");
            Map<String, Function> table = parser.program();
            Function main = table.get("MAIN");
            if (main == null) {
                System.out.println("Function MAIN doesn't exist");
            } else {
                int r = main.invoke(table);
                System.out.println("Result: " + r);

    I see a few weird things in your code:

    Instead of using a token <SPACE> between each token, you'd be better off using the SKIP instruction:

    SKIP : { " " | "\r" | "\n" | "\t" }

    You're using three different tokens for the same thing: <MAIN>, <FUNC>, <PARAM>. They're all names, and you could define a token <NAME> as follows:

    TOKEN: {
        < NAME: <LETTER>(<LETTER>|<DIGIT>)* >
        | < #LETTER: ["a"-"z", "A"-"Z", "_"] >
        | < #DIGIT: ["0"-"9"] >

    The rule for a function definition would then become:

    <DEF> <NAME> ( <NAME> )* functionBody() ";"

    note that a function can have zero or more parameters; function MAIN would have zero.

    In your example, function MAIN contains a forward reference to the function ADDITION, meaning that while parsing the body of function MAIN you will find a call to a function ADDITION that is not yet in the symbol table. The ability to use forward reference is a nice feature for a programming language, but it complicates the implementation slightly.

    If you're doing an interpreter, you have basically two options to deal with forward references: 1) do a second pass after the parsing to "fix" the forward references, 2) do the name resolution during run time. The second option is simpler but slower.

    Note that the parameters of a function are always defined before they are used. They are only accessible within the body of a function. You can build a table for the parameter while parsing the head of the definition, and then pass that table to the method that parses the body of the function.


    void functionDefinition(Map<String, Function> table): {
        Expression body;
        Function f;
        String name;
        String param;
        int paramCount = 0;
        Map<String,Parameter> params = new HashMap<String,Parameter>();
        <DEF> name=<NAME>.image (
            param=<NAME>.image {params.put(param, new Parameter(paramCount++));}
        { f = new Function(paramCount, body); }
            if (table.containsKey(name)) {
                System.out.println("Function " + name + "already exists");
            } else {
                table.put(name, f);

    To evaluate the expression in a function body, you can use the interpreter pattern, where the elements of an expression are all an implementation of an Expression interface:

    public interface Expression {
        public int evaluate(Map<String,Function> table, int... parms);

    Here parms are the actual parameters passed to the function being executed.

    The following files are the sources of a very simple, functioning implementation of a very simple language based on your question. It can execute your example:

    DEF MAIN { ADDITION(4) } ;
    DEF ADDITION x { x+3 } ;

    and it can also execute something like this:

    DEF MAIN { ADDITION3(4) } ;
    DEF ADDITION3 x { ADDITION(x,3) } ;
    DEF ADDITION x y { x+y } ;

    I hope it will help.

    JavaCC file, parser.jj:

    options {
        STATIC = false;
        IGNORE_CASE = false;
    package org.tastefuljava.minilang;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Parser {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            try {
                Parser parser = new Parser(System.in, "UTF-8");
                Map<String, Function> table = parser.program();
                int r = Expression.call("MAIN").evaluate(table);
                System.out.println("Result: " + r);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
    SKIP : { " " | "\r" | "\n" | "\t" }
    TOKEN: {
        < DEF: "DEF" >
        | < NAME: <LETTER>(<LETTER>|<DIGIT>)* >
        | < #LETTER: ["a"-"z", "A"-"Z", "_"] >
        | < #DIGIT: ["0"-"9"] >
        | < PLUS: "+" >
        | < MUL: "*" >
        | < LEFT: "{" >
        | < RIGHT: "}" >
        | < NUMBER: (<DIGIT>)+ >
    Map<String, Function> program(): {
        Map<String, Function> symbolTable = new HashMap<>();
        {return symbolTable;}
    void functionDefinition(Map<String, Function> table): {
        Expression body;
        Function f;
        String name;
        String param;
        int paramCount = 0;
        Map<String,Parameter> params = new HashMap<String,Parameter>();
        <DEF> name=<NAME>.image (
            param=<NAME>.image {params.put(param, new Parameter(paramCount++));}
        { f = new Function(paramCount, body); }
            if (table.containsKey(name)) {
                System.out.println("Function " + name + "already exists");
            } else {
                table.put(name, f);
    Expression functionBody(Map<String,Parameter> params): {
        Expression e;
            return e;
    Expression expression(Map<String,Parameter> params): {
        Expression e;
            return e;
    Expression additiveExpression(Map<String,Parameter> params): {
        Expression e, f;
        (<PLUS> f=multiplicativeExpression(params) {
            e = Expression.add(e,f);
            return e;
    Expression multiplicativeExpression(Map<String,Parameter> params): {
        Expression e, f;
        e=unaryExpression(params) (<MUL> f=unaryExpression(params) {
            e = Expression.mul(e,f);
            return e;
    Expression unaryExpression(Map<String,Parameter> params): {
        Expression e;
        String s;
        int n;
        Expression[] parms;
            n=number() {
                e = Expression.number(n);
            | s=<NAME>.image ( parms=parameterList(params) {
                e = Expression.call(s, parms);
            } | {
                Parameter p = params.get(s);
                if (p != null) {
                    e = Expression.param(p.index);
                } else {
                    // no parameter found: assume it's a parameterless function                    
                    e = Expression.call(s);
            return e;
    int number(): {
        String s;
            return Integer.parseInt(s);
    Expression[] parameterList(Map<String,Parameter> params): {
        List<Expression> parms = new ArrayList<Expression>();
        Expression p;
            p=expression(params) { parms.add(p); }
            ( "," p=expression(params){ parms.add(p); } )*
            return parms.toArray(new Expression[parms.size()]);

    Function class, Function.java:

    package org.tastefuljava.minilang;
    public class Function {
        public final int paramCount;
        public final Expression body;
        public Function(int paramCount, Expression body) {
            this.paramCount = paramCount;
            this.body = body;

    Parameter class, Parameter.java:

    package org.tastefuljava.minilang;
    public class Parameter {
        public final int index;
        public Parameter(int index) {
            this.index = index;

    Expression interface, Expression.java:

    package org.tastefuljava.minilang;
    import java.util.Map;
    public interface Expression {
        public int evaluate(Map<String,Function> table, int... parms);
        public static Expression number(int x) {
            return (table, parms) -> x;
        public static Expression add(Expression a, Expression b) {
            return (table, parms) ->
                    a.evaluate(table, parms) + b.evaluate(table, parms);
        public static Expression mul(Expression a, Expression b) {
            return (table, parms) ->
                    a.evaluate(table, parms) * b.evaluate(table, parms);
        public static Expression call(String name, Expression... parms) {
            return (table, oldParms) -> {
                Function f = table.get(name);
                if (f == null) {
                    System.out.println("Unknown function " + name);
                    return 0;
                } else if (f.paramCount != parms.length) {
                    System.out.println("Wrong number of parameters for function "
                        + name + ": expected " + f.paramCount
                        + ", actual " + parms.length);
                    return 0;
                int[] newParms = new int[parms.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < parms.length; ++i) {
                    newParms[i] = parms[i].evaluate(table, oldParms);
                return f.body.evaluate(table, newParms);
        public static Expression param(int index) {
            return (table, parms) -> parms[index];