My company has recently upgraded to new version of iManage (a file archive system) and it no longer has libraries exposed to VBA. Due to company policy, I can run VBA but can't create VSTO/.NET addins.
I'm trying to fix an addin tool that inventories all items within a folder/subfolders.
The solution I'm currently exploring is to navigate to the folder in the new web portal, and then inventory from there. I can probably do classic webcrawl and click through links in the browser but that's going to be slow and pretty ugly. As it's an Angular application, I think I should be able to fire REST requests and parse the responses without waiting for page loads.
I'm having an issue with InvalidToken coming back as failed.
"error": {
"code": "InvalidToken",
"message": "X-Auth-Token is invalid or missing"
The current solution is to create a WebBrowser object within a UserForm in Excel VBA. This userform navigates to our iManage portal. I can then navigate the site and click a button to launch the requests.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Debug.Print WebBrowser1.Busy
Dim Doc As HTMLDocument
Set Doc = WebBrowser1.Document
Debug.Print Doc.cookie
Dim Request As New WinHttpRequest
Request.Open "GET", Url:="!9975487/children?limit=500&offset=0&total=true", ASync:=False
Request.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
Request.setRequestHeader "Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate, br"
Request.setRequestHeader "Accept-Language", "en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8"
Request.setRequestHeader "Connection", "keep-alive"
Request.setRequestHeader "Host",
Request.setRequestHeader "Referer", Doc.Location.href
'Request.setRequestHeader "Cookie", WebBrowser1.Document.cookie
Request.setRequestHeader "Set-Cookie", WebBrowser1.Document.cookie
Request.setRequestHeader "X-XSRF-TOKEN", Split(Split(WebBrowser1.Document.cookie, ";")(2), "=")(1)
Dim Result As String
Result = Request.responseText
Debug.Print Result
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
WebBrowser1.Navigate2 ",AdminArchive,Client-Job,JobArchive&p=1"
End Sub
Which I feel is replicating the request calls I can see in Chrome.
I think a big part of the issue is the HTMLDocument I see within the WebBrowser never lists all of the same cookies that I can see in Chrome.
Cookies flagged as "HttpOnly" in that last screenshot are not retrievable using document.cookie
A cookie with the HttpOnly attribute is inaccessible to the JavaScript Document.cookie API; it is sent only to the server. For example, cookies that persist server-side sessions don't need to be available to JavaScript, and should have the HttpOnly attribute. This precaution helps mitigate cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
Maybe you can try: Retrieve ALL cookies from Internet Explorer