I have a project where I need to bulk convert large amounts of .png files to .jpgs, with some control over compression quality. Using the node module sharp
works like a charm on individual files, e.g.:
const sharp = require("sharp");
.jpeg({ quality: 70 })
But I have hundreds of files I need to convert at a shot. I had hoped to be able to use some wildcard for files, like:
.jpeg({ quality: 70 })
though that of course doesn't work, nor has any attempt I've done to loop through all the files, or using the node module glob
. Appreciate any guidance that can be provided here.
With the help of another developer, the answer turned out to be a bit more complex than I anticipated, and requires the use of the node module glob
// example run : node sharp-convert.js ~/Projects/docs/public/images/output/new
const fs = require('fs');
const process = require('process');
const path = require('path');
const glob = require("glob")
const dir = process.argv[2];
const input_path = path.join(dir, '**', '*.png');
const output_path = path.join(dir, "min");
const sharp = require('sharp');
glob(input_path, function (err, files) {
if (err != null) { throw err; }
fs.mkdirSync(output_path, { recursive: true });
files.forEach(function(inputFile) {
.jpeg({ mozjpeg: true, quality: 60, force: true })
.toFile(path.join(output_path, path.basename(inputFile, path.extname(inputFile))+'.jpg'), (err, info) => {
if(err === null){
fs.unlink(inputFile, (err2) => {
if (err2) throw err2;
console.log('successfully compressed and deleted '+inputFile);
} else { throw err }
NOTE: This method is destructive and will delete any existing .pngs. Make sure to have a backup of your originals.