current build.gradle.kts:
android {
// ...
variantFilter {
ignore = run {
val isSim = flavors[0].name == "sim"
val isNet = !isSim
val isU = flavors[1].name == "custom"
val isMain = !isU
val buildType =
val isDebug = buildType == "debug"
val isRelease = buildType == "release"
(isSim && isRelease) ||
(isSim && isU)
How to create similar config in the new version of plugin?
UPDATE: Using answer, code above will be as below:
android {
androidComponents.beforeVariants {
it.enabled = run {
val isSim = it.productFlavors[0].second == "sim"
val isNet = !isSim
val isU = it.productFlavors[1].second == "custom"
val isMain = !isU
val isDebug = it.buildType == "debug"
val isRelease = it.buildType == "release"
!((isSim && isRelease) || (isSim && isU))
The Variant API is going to change to a lazily-evaluated model in AGP 7.0.0, and it seems like Alpha 15 has removed the old APIs for this now. Going forward, you will need to use the androidComponents DSL, which gives access to variants. Check out the beforeVariants
block to selectively disable your variants:
android {
androidComponents.beforeVariants { variantBuilder ->
// variantBuilder provides access to buildType and flavor names.
// It has an 'enabled' property which you could use to disable some variants
// (logic may need to be inverted from your existing 'ignore' block)