I am hoping you might be able to help me with an issue that I can not manage to find a solution for. I want to build an IntelliJ Plugin that is able to connect to a mysql database. However, adding the mysql connector jar as a library like you would for a simple project does not seem to work and I am out of ways to try it to work. Do you have any suggestions I might try? I thought about the plugin.xml dependencies but I can not seem to find a way to specify the dependency properly. Any hint would be much appreciated.
Here is what I have tried:
In a plugin project, I added the mysql connector as dependency:
I have a DB connection class:
And another class where I've added my main method and I want to execute an SQL query:
As seen, I am getting a ClassNotFound exception for the Driver.
If I do the exact same setup, but on a simple Java project, the connection runs with no issues. See below:
There is a warning about the deprecated explicit loading of the Diver but this is not the issue. Even iv I remove this, the plugin project still can not find the class.
Actually it seems like the recommended way of declaring dependencies for the Plugins is via Gradle dependencies. Comment by Jakub here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6D5-xEaYig&lc=UgzA2TPtX_1H2PaL7Q54AaABAg.9Mv96dstxEG9N20UT7YuRQ I looked up how to declare mysql as gradle dependency and found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/gradle/comments/apme5g/how_to_add_mysqlconnector_to_gradle_build/
So I used
dependencies {
implementation ("mysql:mysql-connector-java:8.0.24")
in build.gradle and all works fine now :) Hope this will help others as well.