When working with an OptionSet, I believed that the rawValue always represented the combination of bits. In the example below, the "all" value does not have a correct rawValue. It is zero.
If placing a breakpoint in the init function, it will indeed get hit with a 0 value when initialising the "all" option set.
struct Options: OptionSet {
init(rawValue: Int16) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
let rawValue: Int16
static let option1 = Options(rawValue:1)
static let option2 = Options(rawValue:2)
static let option3 = Options(rawValue:4)
static let all = [option1,option2,option3]
To do something constructive, I have implemented the special init function that conforms to the ExpressibleByArrayLiteral protocol. But to no avail, as it is not called, when used in a static initialisation (however it will get called when used in a non-static initialisation).
struct Options: OptionSet {
public init(arrayLiteral: Element...) {
for element in arrayLiteral {
You need to declare all
to be of type Options
static let all: Options = [option1,option2,option3]
print(Options.all) // prints Options(rawValue: 7)