
cfspreadsheet escape comma in comma separated row insert

The function for adding a row to a coldfusion spreadsheet is SpreadsheetAddrow which accepts data as "A comma delimited list of cell entries, one per column."

Some of my data has commas within it. How do I escape the commas within my data without escaping the commas in the list?

I am currently creating an array with the contents of the row, then converting it to a list to add to the spreadsheet:

    <cfset row = ArrayNew(1)>
    <cfloop list="#structKeyList(setRecord.columns)#" index="key">
        <cfset ArrayAppend(row, "#Evaluate(key)#")>
    <cfset spreadsheetAddRow(xlsObj, "#ArrayToList(row)#")>


  • If the data you want to add to the sheet is in a query object (recordset) then the simplest solution is to use SpreadSheetAddRows(), (as opposed to SpreadSheetAddRow - singular).

    <cfset SpreadSheetAddRows( xlsObj,query )>

    The sheet columns are mapped from the query columns, so commas in the data won't matter.

    Even if the data is in another format or you are only adding a single row, converting it to a query object is an effective way of getting round the issue, see