@echo off
@title Login
echo ^<htm^> >> "start.hta"
echo ^<head^> >> "start.hta"
echo ^<link rel="stylesheet" link="style.css"^> >> "start.hta"
echo ^</head^> >> "start.hta"
echo ^<body^> >> "start.hta"
echo ^<p^>Hello!^</p^> >> "start.hta"
echo ^</body^> >> "start.hta"
echo ^</html^> >> "start.hta"
Above was my code. I want to have a sort of a timer where we just delete this file after the timer finishes.
Get the process id by incorporating some powershell
, sleep 10 seconds and kill by process id.
@echo off
@title Login
echo ^<htm^> > "start.hta"
echo ^<head^> >> "start.hta"
echo ^<link rel="stylesheet" link="style.css"^> >> "start.hta"
echo ^</head^> >> "start.hta"
echo ^<body^> >> "start.hta"
echo ^<p^>Hello!^</p^> >> "start.hta"
echo ^</body^> >> "start.hta"
echo ^</html^> >> "start.hta"
for /f %%i in ('powershell "(Start-Process start.hta -passthru).ID"') do (
timeout /t 10
taskkill /F /PID %%i
del "start.hta"