I have the following code:-
'\u0026' -replace '(\u)(\d{4})', '$$([char]0x$2)'
That will obviously result with:-
If I make the RegEx substitution into an expandable string with:-
'\u0026' -replace '(\\u)(\d{4})', "$([char]0x`${2})"
Then I will get:-
Unexpected token '0x`$' in expression or statement.
If I simplify things to:-
'\u0026' -replace '(\\u)(\d{4})', "0x`${2}"
Then I can get:-
But, what I want is to cast that '0x0026' to a char so it replaces '\u0026' to '&'. However, it seems impossible to pass a RegEx substituted token to a PowerShell subexpression in this way. If you separate the two languages with:-
'\u0026' -replace '(\\u)(\d{4})', "$([char]0x0026) 0x`${2}"
Then the below will result:-
& 0x0026
Which is great as it shows PowerShell subexpressions do work in RegEx substitutions as the converted ampersand shows.
I am new to RegEx. Have I hit my limit already?
Apperently, you want to unescape an escaped regular expression. You can do this using the .net [regex]