I'm working with raster
package and I try to switch to terra
but for some reasons that I don't understand, terra
cannot reproduce the same operation of raster
when working in parallel with packages such snowfall
and future.apply
. Here is a reproducible example.
r <- rast()
r[] <- 1:ncell(r)
m <- rast()
m[] <- c(rep(1,ncell(m)/5),rep(2,ncell(m)/5),rep(3,ncell(m)/5),rep(4,ncell(m)/5),rep(5,ncell(m)/5))
ms <- separate(m,other=NA)
mymask <- function(ind){
tipo <- tipo_tav[ind]
mask <- ms[[ind]]
masked <-
richard <- function(x){
k <-0.2
v <-0.3
a <-200
y0 <-2
y <- k/v*x*(1-((x/a)^v))+y0
pred <- richard(masked)
pred <- clamp(pred,lower=0)
#the sequential usage works fine, faster than the `raster` counterpart
system.time(x <- mymask(1))#0.03
#when I try to run my function in parallel I receive an error
system.time(pred_list <- future_lapply(1:5, FUN = mymask))
Error in .External(list(name = "CppMethod__invoke_notvoid", address = <pointer: (nil)>, : NULL value as symbol address.
the exactly same code works well if I change rast
with raster
and terra::mask
with raster::mask
. See below:
r <- raster(r)
ms <- stack(ms)
mymask <- function(ind){
tipo <- tipo_tav[ind]
mask <- ms[[ind]]
masked <-
richard <- function(x){
k <-0.2
v <-0.3
a <-200
y0 <-2
y <- k/v*x*(1-((x/a)^v))+y0
pred <- richard(masked)
pred <- clamp(pred,lower=0)
#this works fine
system.time(x <- mymask(1))#0.06
#this works too
system.time(pred_list <- future_lapply(1:5, FUN = mymask))#15.48
The same behavior if I use snowfall
instead of future
sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus =5)
system.time(pred_list <- sfLapply(1:5, fun = mymask))
this return the same error of future_lapply
Why is this happening? I've never seen such an error. I was hoping to take advantage of the higher speed of terra
but so I'm stuck.
A SpatRaster
cannot be serialized, you cannot send it to parallel compute nodes. Have a look here for more discussion.
Instead you can (a) send and receive filenames; (b) parallelize your custom function that you supply to app
or lapp
; (c) use the cores=n
argument (where available, e.g. app
and predict
); (d) use a mechanism like wrap
; (e) send a filename and a vector to make a SpatExtent to process and create a virtual raster from the output tiles (see ?vrt).
For example, you could do use a function like this (Option "a")
prich <- function(filein, fileout) {
r <- rast(filein)
richard <- function(x) {
k <-0.2
v <-0.3
a <-200
y0 <-2
y <- k/v*x*(1-((x/a)^v))+y0
y[y<0] <- 0
x <- app(masked, richard, filename=fileout, overwrite=TRUE)
I use app
because it is much more efficient for large rasters --- as it could avoid writing temp files for each of the 10 arithmetic operations with a SpatRaster. Given that you want to parallelize this relatively simple function, I assume the files are very large.
Or option "c":
richard <- function(x) {
k <-0.2
v <-0.3
a <-200
y0 <-2
y <- k/v*x*(1-((x/a)^v))+y0
y[y<0] <- 0
x <- app(masked, richard, cores=12)
In neither case I included the masking. You could include it in option "a" but mask
is disk I/O intensive, not computationally intensive, so it might be as efficient to do it in one step rather than in parallel.
With wrap
you could do something like this
f <- function(w) {
x <- rast(w)
y <- richard(x)
r <- rast(nrow=10, ncol=10, vals=1:100)
x <- f(wrap(r))
x <- rast(x)
Where f
would be run in parallel. That only works for small rasters, but you could parallelize over tiles, and you can create tiles with terra::makeTiles
More internal parallelization options will be coming, but don't hold your breath.