
How to replace torch.norm with other pytorch function?

I would like to replace the torch.norm function using the other Pytorch function.

I was able to replace torch.norm in the case where x is not a matrix, as shown in the following code.

import torch
x = torch.randn(9)
out1 = torch.norm(x)
out2 = sum(abs(x)**2)**(1./2)
out1 == out2
>> tensor(True)

But I don't know how to replace it when x is a matrix. Especially, I want to replace it in my case of dim=1 and keepdim=True.

x = torch.randn([3, 136, 64, 64])
out1 = torch.norm(x, dim=1, keepdim=True)
out2 = ???
out1 == out2


I'm converting a Pytorch model to CoreML, but the _VF.frobenius_norm operator defined in the torch.norm function is not implemented with CoreMLTools. (The implementation inside torch.norm can be found here.)

A few people have trouble with this problem, but CoreMLTools is still unsupported (You can check from this issue). So I'd like to replace it without the operator used in torch.norm.

I have tried torch.linalg.norm() and numpy.linalg.norm but they were not supported.

I have created a simple colaboratory notebook that reproduces this. Please test it using the following colab.


  • You could try the following:

    import torch
    x = torch.randn([3, 136, 64, 64])
    out1 = torch.norm(x, dim=1, keepdim=True)
    out2 = torch.square(x).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True).sqrt()

    Note that out1 == out2 won't give exactly all True due to small errors in precision. You can check that the errors are in the order of 1e-7 for float32.

    Here, the norm is computed directly using its mathematical definition. You can see this reference from Wolfram MathWorld for more details.