So I'm trying to multiply by using add and shift. I want to store the multiplicand in the accumulator and the multiplicand in the X-register. I genuinely don't know why my code isn't working but I suspect its because of the multiplicand being in the accumulator and putting the product in a separate register.
Here is my code so far:
LDA #49
LDX #8
LDY #$8
STA $700
STX $704
loop: ; if 1
BCC loop2 ; if 0, go to loop2
CLC ; clear carry for adc
ADC $700 ; adc
loop2: ; if 0
ROL $700 ; left shift
ROR $704
BNE loop ; if not 0, go to loop
STA $700 ; store A in product register
Thank you for your help
This is the corrected version. Check double semicolon for the changes. Biggest mistake was to forget resetting accumulator and carry flag before the first loop.
LDA #49
LDX #8
LDY #9 ;; you need to increase your loop by 1
STA $700
STX $704
LDA #$00 ;; you need to reset acc
CLC ;; and clear carry
loop: ; if 1
BCC loop2 ; if 0, go to loop2
CLC ; clear carry for adc
ADC $700 ; adc
loop2: ; if 0
;ROL $700 ;; these three lines
;CLC ;; are replaced with
;ROR $704 ;; the two lines below
ROR ;; this is
ROR $704 ;; faster
BNE loop ; if not 0, go to loop
STA $700 ; store A in product register