
Installing Knative without internet

Is it possible to install Knative without internet? Understand that it required K8 to pull images from internet during installation. Can I download all the necessary images to a private repository and apply yaml to do installation?


  • If you can pre-pull all images used in the Knative core, then the answer is yes: you can install and run Knative offline.

    It's quite a few images, but you should be able to find all of them easily by inspecting the installation manifests from the YAML-based installation section of the Knative documentation.

    Here are a few examples of images that compose the Knative core (as of Knative v0.22):



    Note: although the image attributes I referenced above are in the format ko://..., the release manifests documented in the YAML-based installation section of the Knative documentation contain actual image URLs.